School Courses
The School Courses are 8 hour in person course for children aged 9+
The School Courses are 8 hour tutor led course that takes place in a school setting, either as a 30 minute lunchtime course (16 sessions), or 1 hour after school course (8 sessions). ​
The course has a recommended 30 minutes of practise each week at home, which can be completed however best fits into the Students schedule (eg. 10 minutes x3 times a week, 15 minutes x2 times a week).
typeify laptops are provided for the course, as they have the letters hidden to aid faster touch typing learning. In addition, the typeify laptops are free all from distractions, such as the internet!
typeify courses are coach-led in small groups which means that the students are monitored and immediately corrected when they revert back to using just index fingers (which they all will do!)
The lessons have been carefully structured to ensure the right amount of repetition for each set of new keys before the next pair of keys are introduced. This builds muscle memory through repetition and commonly typed words and phrases.
At the end of the course, the students receive a certificate with their typing speed and accuracy.

Tutor led courses at school

In person with a tutor
Class of 10 students or less
Specific course dates
8 hour total course length
30 mins practise per week
'typeify' laptops
The School Courses are available in the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels

Bronze - suitable for beginners. In this course, students learn all 26 letters on the keyboard, 4 punctuation marks (full stop, comma, semi colon and backslash) and some of the most commonly typed words.

Silver - suitable for students who can already touch type all 26 letters on the keyboard. This course focuses on learning to touch type all punctuation marks and numbers, improving speed and accuracy, and some dictation.

Gold - suitable for students who can already touch type all letters and punctation marks. This course is designed to enhance speed and accuracy, with advanced note taking (typing the key points, rather than just typing verbatim). This extra taught skill is not only useful in writing projects, listening to teachers, in seminars and lectures, but vital in many professions.
Find out more about the School Courses...

Our bespoke web-based program follow a pattern to build muscle memory through repetition, commonly used words and fun games!

Our courses are run by business professionals or teachers. All of our expert coaches are all enhanced DBS vetted and great with children!

Stay up-to-date by tracking progress through the typing platform analytics.

Our online practise is complemented by an unique activity workbook to keep the students engaged and motivated as they learn new keys.

Six months post-course access to the web-based program with additional practise and games to complete at home after the course has finished.